

The Innovation Pole for Materials and Production Technologies - NuoveMaterie – is oriented to the networking of knowledge and experience, already available into universities and aggregated companies, and aims to promote a more rapid growth of "human capital."
At this purpose, the Pole intends to develop a program of technical and vocational training tailored to the needs of member companies and, widely, of their area of interest, by enhancing technical and professional skills of researchers and professionals who work with passion in the field of materials and production technology.
The training program is defined on the basis of consultations with all the actors involved in the Pole and will be constantly subjected to tests and refinements in order to best meet the requested needs.


The provision of training will cover some cross-cutting issues related to the management of innovation and specialist topics about new technologies; it will follow these operational objectives:


  • provide member companies with some basic tools for managing innovation to enhance their ability to conduct research and innovation projects and, therefore, to enhance the access to incentives and innovative services, available within the Pole;
  • facilitate the meeting with new technologies in the Pole key sectors (construction and manufacturing) through seminars and demonstrations and different kind of didactic tools, in order to stimulate further study;
  • train or update specific professionals working in business contexts, on specific interesting technologies or methodologies.