
G.D.S. S.R.L.

GDS is a leading company in Italy for the production of different kinds of plastic piping systems: for construction industry, sewers systems, aqueducts, irrigation, gas, cable ducts. Three historical realities operates within a single large company, in a coordinated and synergic way, preserving the values ​​and tradition that have marked their history: Sirci, Gresintex and Dalmine resins.


GDS borns from an industrial tradition of a hundred years, sixty years of industrial production of plastics, and over ten years of sustainable projects. This tradition is also root, pride, knowledge, all of which push GDS to a constant commitment to innovation and development, considering the social responsibility as a priority.


GDS group wants to become a leader in its field, not only for products,  but also as a production model, and as a system socially responsible.


GDS works to provide industry with a major contribution to the development, innovation and internationalization. GDS has got offices and logistics centers in the North, the Centre, in Southern Italy and in the Mediterranean. It can operate throughout the country and Europe.


Within the plastic industry sector GDS is the first producer to use renewable energy sources through the largest photovoltaic system installed in the plant of Gubbio. 

Head office____________

Prima Zona Industriale

89026 San Ferdinando (RC)

Contact details________
Phone +39 0966 768026
Fax +39 0966 766578
Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person_________

Rinaldo Cardaciotto

Activity sector__________

Manufacture of plastic products

G.D.S. S.R.L.

With 70 M€ of turnover, more than 200 employees, factories and logistic centres, GDS is the Company with the most well-established tradition of innovation and with the most complete range of products.


Three historical firms are working today in a sole big Company, keeping their values and traditions.


  • The trademark GRESINTEX has been operating since more than 50 years in Italy and in the main European markets, primarily in the sewer (with the novelty of the Alvehol pipe) and in the pressure pipes system (with the novelty of the Bioriented pipe) and particularly in the PVC large diameters.
  • SIRCI, present from 1963, distinguished itself in the retail and big distribution market for PVC building equipments with products such as Supertubo (and the whole range Autopulente) and for the range GRIP, a complete system of PE pipes and fittings for the sewer system.
  • Dalmine born at the beginning of 1900 with the production of steel tubes; then, starting from 1954 it began to manufacture the PVC products followed in 1963 by the PE pipes. In the PE Italian pipes' market the brand Dalmine is the one with many years of experience and presence.
G.D.S. S.R.L.