Boating Sector


Borrone S.r.l. operates in the construction and repairing sector of boats, industrial vehicles, cars and generators.


The company is constantly looking for new technical and technological solutions needed to improve the overall performance of boats. It leads research activities aimed at a better reuse of waste materials from interventions on boats, experiencing also the use of natural fibers.


Borrone S.r.l. is located in the town of Cetraro with two branches, one in Loc. Triolo, near the port, and the other on the highway S.S. 18.
Another branch was built in the town of San Marco Argentano equidistant from the Tyrrhenian and Ionic coast.


Head office____________

Località Triolo I

87022 Cetraro (CS)

Contact details________
Phone +39 0982 971476
Fax +39 0982 971476
Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person_________

Massimo Borrone

Activity sector__________

Production and repairing of recreational craft and sport boats. Mechanic workshop for cars, industrial vehicles, automobile generator groups

  • Support for activities of storage and offshore supply
  • Refitting and repowering of boats
  • Boats structural repairing
  • Boat towing, storage and launching
  • Sale of new and used boats;
  • Mechanic workshop for cars, industrial vehicles, automobile generator groups